Tuesday, November 3, 2009

good weekend

a baby shower, halloween, a birthday party, a goodbye

pretty busy weekend as you can tell.
ms. sofias first time going trick or treating (not dressing up though) was wonderful. i couldnt beleive that i have a child that can do this. i remember just a few years back when i was doing that (yes i did it for fun with my brothers & all of our friends).
dressed up with crazy makeup & a bag ready for free candy going door to door. ahhh the memories.
& now my little girl doing the same. she was absolutley adorable. dressed up as a witch, with her hat too big for her head but still very polite saying thankyou to everyone that gave her candy. she couldnt wait to get home to eat her candy so she was walking with her hand in the loot trying to find some piece better than the last.
this was one of the most lovelist halloween nights as the weather was fabulous. usually its very cold & drizzly. not this time.
after that dahling & i went out for dinner while ms. s went out for a movie with her cousin.

last nites birthday made ms. sofia another fab. friend. they couldnt be seperated. looking at the pictures you would think that it was ms. sofias party as well. it was all bollywood themed. no surprise if youd know whose daughter she was. it was nice going to an old best buds parents house once again. brought back memories. many nites were spent there hanging out. we use to do tuns of sleepovers back then. oh i see it happening soon with my little girl.

dont have any pics for the baby shower as it wasnt for me nor for the goodbye.
the only pic. i do have of the goodbye is where i lay next to him thinking that i love this human being! a whole lot! thats the best picture one can have for anyone.

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