Thursday, January 29, 2009

-when they say that they are glad that its over are they really glad or is it to ease the pain from the loss?
-when someone misses you, do they miss you for all of you or is it because they are lacking something in their life & they think that you can provide that missing link that will make them feel complete?
-how does love feel when its dying inside you?-does it turn into some other really strong feeling or it just fades away?
-is it better to be friends or have no relationship at all?
-can you melt old candles with wicks that have burnt out & make a new one that looks & feels like new without alot of trouble?
-when you say "whatever" or any other single word a whole lot, do you actually mean that word or are just trying to hide a feeling that you just havent catagorized yet?
-can you really have an open and honest relationship without hurting your loved one or losing them completely in the process?
-can you live a life full of joy without being a wee bit selfish?
-how long does joy last anyway?
-should you just make another baby just so your first one can have company? (& ive heard alot of that as being a really good reason for why people do it but i still need to wonder)
-can a change of scenery help the mind ease whats going on in it?-will you be able to trust someone again the way you did in season 1 of your life?
-why cant we just love someone for what they are as well as what they want & then just let them be free with the option of coming back because it really is meant to be? (they can have that playcard too to use just to be on the fair side)
-why is it that its all so freakin' hard?
answers are so appreciated-they can be made anony. too

Thursday, January 15, 2009

ive been upto almost... nothing.
been watching desperate housewives since season 1 disc 3
trying to work at the salon here & there when needed.
been working on just dealing with ms. s' terrible twos as much as possible.
shes learnt to climb out her crib from the lowest setting possible (the mattress on

the floor in the crib) fun stuff with the little creeper running, opening the door to our

bedroom & crawling into bed with us @ 1 in the am.
anyhow asides that... i think thru out the day about all the stuff i can write about

when certain things are happening thru out the week but then i forget.
isnt it funny how folks tend to fall in love with someone we only spent a few

moments with. think its because you rarely get the time you need to get to know the

real person that you only have a general view of. if you were to spend a few more

normal moments with them, you may not feel the same. hmmm
why is it that subjects that get on our nerves are the ones we tend to attract most

into our lives?
so much more later.

Monday, January 5, 2009

sometimes its best to just stick to what you know & that knows you.
sometimes its best to just stick it out for as long as you can.
sometimes its best to just stick to those that you love & that love you.
sometimes its best to just stick to "it is what it is".

Saturday, January 3, 2009

yes ms. s got to stay up that late while we got to stay out late due to my lovely parents.
made it to their house not a minute too late to ring in the new year together.
i know it sounds boring in comparison to the previous years but hey we're getting older too.
do you ever feel like the song youre listening to is the life youre living at that moment? & so you keep replaying these songs in your head (also because they are stuck there) & you feel like these songs were made just for you (even though in reality they have no idea who the heck you are-the songmakers that is)?isnt that kinda cool & really weird?sometimes i feel like singing some of the lyrics at specific times of the day & then i remember that if i do that (which ive done a few times) folks around you get worried & think youre crazeeee.

Friday, January 2, 2009

its 2009
i cant believe iti cant sit here & make resolutions as im not that girlbut i do want to have my mindset in some certain ways this time around
so----i want to relax.
-i want to take things easy.
-i want to relish the simpler things of life that make every day nice.
-i want to not cry-as much ;-)
-i want to be able to have the ability to get emotional but stay reasonable(which is an art of its own).
-i want to make sure my mother knows i love her immensly.
-i want to teach my daughter nursery rhymes i learned thru my parents & not thru a teacher.
-i want to scrapbook more not only for the memories im storing but also for the satisfaction i get from the results of something created out of love.
-i want to finish last years scrapbooks this year! (this has never happened before)
-i want to let go of anything that makes me sad.
-i want to be happy.-i want to make things right.
-i want to not worry about tomorrow.
-i still want to be able to dream.
ahhh i want, i want, i want...this is why i say i cant make resolutions, its more of a mindset deal i need to get into.GET INTO THIS TYPE OF MINDSET.
*happy & healthy new year to all of yous out there. because today isnt just another day, its a new one. its the type of day you want to make for yourself.
may god make this 2009 a lovely one for us all!